
The Nutrition and Dietetics Department seeks to promote behavioral changes in patients who are hospitalized due to health issues as well as to encourage patients to expand their knowledge of healthy eating. To this goal, during the initial examination, each patient's eating habits are thoroughly assessed. Patients who need nutritional counseling also have their body fat, muscle, and water ratios measured, and the distribution of fat is identified. The next step is to create a customized dietary plan taking into account each patient's unique physiology, age, height, and gender. Blood testing is frequently evaluated, as is a patient's degree of adherence to each unique strategy. Additionally, for patients with certain illnesses like diabetes mellitus or who are going through normal bodily changes like pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood, and adolescence, meal regimens are made and literature is offered.

We implement "tailored diet regimens" at the Nutrition and Dietetics Clinic that are health-protective and occasionally include a therapeutic component. We arrange the menus that are recommended by doctors and/or dietitians for inpatients across the institution in addition to providing nutritional therapies for hospital patients.